Dayton Visual Arts Center

Tracy Longley Cook, Topography #2, 2012. Pigment print, 30 x 30 inches. Courtesy of the artist

Dennie Eagleson, Lotus 2, 2015. inkjet from scanned Polaroid print, 30 x 24 inches. Courtesy of the artist

John Sousa, Theophanic Angel-Essentia, 2016. UV cured inks, alkyd and collage on aluminum honeycomb panels, 60 x 60 inches. Courtesy of the artist
Navigation: Personal and Geographical Landscapes
October 7, 2016 - November 5, 2016
This exhibition, featuring artists Dennie Eagleson, Tracy Longley-Cook, and John Sousa, explores the personal and geographical landscape through large-scale abstract photographs, abstract representations of natural forms, and abstract stimuli. These three photographers utilize alternative and unusual image-making techniques, such as camera-less photographic methods, computer-manipulated photographic images, and lens-less images using outdated Polaroid 4×5 and 8×10 materials.